Developmental Counseling and Therapy: Implications for Clinical Assessment, Interventions, and Treatment Planning

Dr. Karla is excited to announce our 1st NBCC ACEP Approved Continuing Education Virtual Training entitled:

“Developmental Counseling and Therapy: Implications for Clinical Assessment, Intervention, & Treatment Planning”

Presented by: Dr. Karla L. Sapp, LPC, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC, MAC, CPCS, ACS

Date: January 29, 2022

Time: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Registration Link: Developmental Counseling and Therapy Virtual CE Training


Payment Link: DCT CE Training Registration Fee

Session Description
Individuals change and grow over their life span. Their unique life experiences combine to create an exclusive life story for them. That story tells how they make sense of their life experiences and transitions. How they deal with the changes and challenges of each life period becomes part of their life story. Each individual has strengths built through his or her experiences. Individuals also have some blind spots, or lack of awareness of the thoughts and feelings that keep them from living life to the fullest.

Developmental counseling and therapy (DCT) is a counseling approach developed by Allen Ivey for understanding and helping people. Based in theories of individual uniqueness, human growth and development, family and environmental
systems, wellness, multicultural awareness, counseling and therapy, and change; DCT may be described as an integrative theory that incorporates other theories and counseling approaches in a systematic manner. This NBCC ACEP Approved Continuing Education Virtual Training will discuss how Developmental Counseling and Therapy (DCT) provides a means for counselors to assess their clients accurately and choose interventions most likely to assure successful counseling outcomes.
Session Objectives

1. Summarize the theoretical orientation and therapeutic value of utilizing
Developmental Counseling and Therapy within the clinical setting

2. Describe the Four Cognitive-Emotional Styles of Developmental Counseling and
Therapy and identify various treatment interventions that can be utilized.

3. Discuss the process of the Standard Cognitive/Emotional Developmental
Interview (SCDI) as a technique for understanding how clients make meaning of their presenting issues in relation to the four cognitive styles.

Dr. Karla has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7103.

Continuing Education Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit will be clearly identified.

Dr. Karla is solely responsible for all aspects of the Continuing Education Programs.