Embracing My Being: Self-Esteem Curriculum for Girls

Embracing My Being is a self-esteem curriculum for girls ages 10 and older, however, it can be adapted to meet the needs of girls younger than 10.

A twelve (12) session curriculum, Embracing My Being, includes sessions on Friendships, Communicatiom, Body Image, Personal Power, and Goal-Setting.

The curriculum includes a facilitator guide, participant worksheets, and journal companion.

“Embracing My Being”: A Self-Esteem Curriculum for Girls prices and purchase options, include:

Option A: $115 for the entire curriculum set (facilitator guide, participant worksheets, and journal companion). It comes with permission to reproduce copies.

Option B: purchase the facilitator guide for $85.00


Extra participant worksheets and/journal companion for $15.00

Option C: Purchase the entire curriculum (pdf version) on jump drive (w/ permission to reproduce) for $85.00

For more information and/or to purchase, please contact Dr. Karla Sapp at umattercounseling@gmail.com.
