Florida Counseling Association “Supporting Graduate Students in Social Justice Efforts: A Panel Perspective”

If you missed Florida Counseling Association and the Florida Association of Counselor Education and Supervision panel “Supporting Graduate Students in Social Justice Efforts: A Panel Perspective” on September 29, 2020……

…..then you missed one of the most Educational and Empowering Social Justice Panels with the most amazing panelist who each have a wealth of knowledge!

Myself, Drs. Kristy Holloway, Caroline Perjessy, Collete Dollarhide, along with Future Dr. Zonovia Proctor brought our A-Game and shared our knowledge experiences in regards to Advocating for, Allyship with, and Supporting Graduate Students in Social Justice Efforts!

Thank you to FCA President Letitia Browne-James for your vision and this much needed Social Justice Initiative!

If you are interested in Florida Counseling Association (FCA) and/or FCA’s many Division, then visit FCA at http://www.flacounseling.org!