Unsilencing the Voice Within: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool

During the March of 2015 National Youth At-Risk Conference held in Savannah, Georgia. Dr. Karla, presented “Unsilencing the Voice Within: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool” during the poster session.

Dr. Karla, poster presentation, earned an Honorable Mention out of more than 50 poster presenters.

Dr. Karla, has since, presented Unsilencing the Voice Withing: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool as a lecture-style presentation at the 2016 Marne Behavioral Health and Primary Care Summit, held in November at Fort Stewart, Georgia, as well as during the 2018 Florida Mental Health Counselor Association (FMHCA) Webinar series.

To view the powerpoint presentation that accompanies “Unsilencing the Voice Within: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool” click the following link: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool

To view Dr. Karla presenting “Unsilencing the Voice Within: Expressive Writing As A Therapeutic Tool” click the following link:FMHCA Webinar Presentation